
扩展仓库主要存放了virtual、ceph、kubernetes、epel、openstack 等相关软件源。

name=Loongnix server $releasever - Extras

该仓库中提供了 10 个 loongnix-release 相关包,可以通过执行命令:yum search loongnix-release 查看可安装的扩展仓库。详细列表如下:

扩展仓库软件包名 含义
loongnix-release Loongnix-Server Linux release files
loongnix-release-advanced-virtualization Advanced Virtualization packages from the Loongnix Virtualization SIG repository
loongnix-release-ceph-nautilus Ceph Nautilus packages from the Loongnix
loongnix-release-ceph-pacific Ceph Pacific packages from the Loongnix repository
loongnix-release-epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository configuration
loongnix-release-kubernetes Config to enable the repository for the kubernetes
loongnix-release-nfv-openvswitch Common release file to establish shared metadata Loongnix
loongnix-release-openstack-ussuri OpenStack from the Loongnix Cloud SIG repo configs
loongnix-release-qpid-proton Config to enable the Messaging SIG QPID Proton packages
loongnix-release-rabbitmq-38 messaging Loongnix repo configs

用户可根据需求使用 yum install 命令安装对应的软件包即可。

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